Integritas Financial Planners - Blog

Mark Is A Top Rated Adviser!

Our very own Mark has been named as a Top Rated Adviser 2021 by the prestigious VouchedFor organisation!He received an outstanding rating of 4.8 out of five from a total of 102 reviews. Download Our Client Agreement Here Mark’s impressive...

Family Income Benefit, Mortgage Paid, What Next?

As the primary provider for your family, you have many responsibilities. One of the most crucial ones is how to protect them in the unlikely event of your death. If you currently have mortgage or family life insurance policies, you might...

The Importance Of Full Disclosure

If you're arranging insurance, finding the right policy isn’t the only thing you need to do. You also need to make sure you do everything in your power to ensure that you will qualify for the payout in the unfortunate event you actually...

Top 6 Reasons To Update Your Estate Plan

Your estate plan is the key to your legacy in the event of your death. As you go through life, however, you may encounter circumstances that cause you to need to update or alter your estate plan. With the help of a professional estate...

Why Do You Need Lasting Power Of Attorney?

Managing your lasting power of attorney arrangements is an essential step in managing your estate and assets long term. We all need to face up to the worrying possibility that one day we will not be able to make our own decisions, and so...

Why Should You Use A Mortgage Broker?

Mortgage advice services are growing in popularity for many property buyers. Whether it's your first step onto the property ladder or you're a seasoned investor looking to make the right addition to your portfolio, the assistance of a...


Britain’s millennial generation, those born since 1981, have suffered a bigger reversal in financial fortunesthan their Baby Boomer counterparts over the past few years than ever before.* In the Baby Boomer heyday, fullemployment seemed...

Ways To Help Boost Your Pension And Useful Tools To Help

Your pension is a key part of planning for later life. By giving you a source of income when you are no longer able to work, a pension gives you the security to make the most of your later years. Most people will have a pension of one form...


No-one was able to predict the recent pandemic and the impact it would have on everyone’s lives. It has forcedmany to activate Plan B when it comes to financial plans, pushing some into early retirement to maximise themost of their...