Integritas Financial Planners - Blog

Integritas Financial Planners: Ethical Investing 101

Looking to make some socially responsible investment decisions? Ethical investing and ESG stocks are what you’re looking for. This rapidly growing sector of investment and share opportunities is swiftly becoming the go-to option for...

5 Top Tips For Retirement Planning In Your 30s

As your financial needs continue to increase, saving for retirement may seem unachievable. However, taking small steps now to increase your retirement savings will benefit you in the future. Here are five tips for retirement planning in...

A Warm Welcome To Our New Financial Planner, Adam

It’s been a busy year for Integritas but that hasn’t stopped us from expanding – we’re delighted to announce a new addition to our team – financial planner Adam! Adam is a CII qualified insurance adviser who has been employed in the...

How To Avoid Inheritance Tax

Although no one likes to think about it, making plans for when you are no longer around is wise. This may include thinking about passing your assets onto family or friends when you die. One key thing to know is that doing so could see...

5 Good Ways To Invest Your Savings

While saving is great, letting too much money sit in your bank account is not a smart financial decision. There are several investment options that could earn you more money than the low interest rates offered by banks. Here are a few good...

How To Protect Your Investments

More and more people are choosing to invest their spare capital now and build up a nest egg for the future. When you see the potential returns many investments come with and compare them with the low interest rates most bank savings...

A Mini Guide To Pensions And Divorces

If you begin divorce proceedings or dissolve a civil partnership, you should include your pension in your financial settlement. Even when both parties agree on the settlement terms, it's wise to confirm it officially through a court order....

When To Start Saving For A Pension

Saving a pension is the best way to secure your future and ensure that you won't run into any financial troubles down the line. You can start saving in your pension pot from any age, but it's recommended that you start as soon as you can!

How Much Should I Be Paying For My Pension?

How much should I be paying for my pension? It's a question that sends shivers down the spines of the young and old alike. The answer is… well, there is no exact amount that one should be paying into the pension every year! It all depends...

What Can Financial Planners Learn From 2020?

2020 was a year like no other and has hit many people and businesses hard. However, as we've gone past the one-year anniversary and begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel, we want to take some positives from what's been a tough...